Home Auto Insurance What’s the difference between dealing with a car insurance company directly or a local agent?

What’s the difference between dealing with a car insurance company directly or a local agent?

?skyblue asked:

I was with the same insurance company for 10 years using the same local agent. My car insurance rates kept going up every time my policy was renewed. I decided to explore and see what better rates I could get with other car insurance companies. Friends and family gave me names of local agents from insurance companies they used. All the agents quoted me really high. Then, I called a major insurance company’s 800 number (not through an agent) and got the lowest quote. So, why do people use insurance agents? Is there a reason why it’s better to use an agent?


  1. I like using an agent because if I have a question, I call the same person or I go to their office and sit across the desk from them. I don’t have to call India and then give up and research answers online and hope for the best. I don’t like the way big companies dismiss the need for customer service!

  2. In addition to what a-mac said; if you have a claim but you are unsure if it is covered you can discuss it with your agent without submitting it to the company. (Companies do not like this – fyi)
    If you call the company, and it turns out there is no payout on the claim it will count against you and you will probably see a change in your rates.
    Remember: you get what you pay for. There is one company that has an 800 number that I would be extremely cautious with…


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