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20 Items to Include in Your Car’s Roadside Emergency Kit


4 minute read

Roadside assistance is a valuable coverage to have in the event of an emergency. The added sense of security of knowing you’re just a phone call away from mechanical help can be highly reassuring if stranded on the side of the road. But what if your phone battery is dead or you’re traveling through a remote location? Would you have other ways to signal for help or jumpstart a battery? That’s where a car roadside emergency kit comes into play.

Having a roadside emergency kit with you at all times is a safety precaution you hope never to use but will prove invaluable should the need arise. No matter how often you drive, carrying a kit with you will give you a sense of comfort as you wait for help to arrive. Not sure what to include in your car emergency kit? Here are just a few basic items that should be a part of any roadside emergency kit.

What to Include in Your Car’s Roadside Emergency Kit

To beat the heat…

Protecting yourself from the elements is crucial in an emergency. Any emergency kit should include items tailored for various situations, including being stuck in the sun.

1. Bottled water with electrolyte packages: Water is worth its weight in gold when in an emergency. Begin prepping your kit by ensuring you have a couple of water bottles to keep you hydrated. As a bonus, you can also include packets of electrolytes for added hydration. We recommend having a gallon of water.

a car stuck on the side of the road in the dessert

2. Sunscreen: If you must wait on the side of the road, you don’t want to slowly bake yourself in the hot sun. Carry a bottle of sunscreen to keep you from getting sunburned.

3. Extra coolant: Carrying a few car basics, such as extra fluids and simple tools, can be handy when you need a quick tune-up. Plus, the hot weather can be taxing on older vehicles, so having extra coolant can be helpful when temps get too high.

4. A large tarp or poncho: A large tarp that you can use for shade is a practical item when stuck in an area with little to no shade. Tarps can also be used as a makeshift shelter, something to lay on, or an emergency blanket in a pinch.

To keep yourself warm…

Just like you must protect yourself from the heat, it’s important to have items that will keep you warm. To keep things organized, consider swapping out seasonal gear throughout the year.

1. Emergency blanket: Mylar blankets can keep you warm in windy or wet scenarios. Because they are waterproof and windproof, these types of blankets can be used in multiple weather conditions while still providing warmth.

a broken down car in the winter

2. Matches or a lighter: If you need to start an emergency fire, having matches or a lighter on hand will make things much easier.

3. Hand and foot warmers: Due to their size, hand warmers can easily be included in a car roadside emergency kit without taking up too much space. Plus, hand warmers last for multiple hours, so you don’t need to pack a whole lot.

4. Ice shovel: You never know where you may find yourself stranded or in what conditions. Having a small shovel on hand will be helpful if you need to dig snow or dirt out of your way.

5. Extra change of clothes: Okay, so you may not be able to pack your whole closet in your roadside emergency kit. However, you can try to fit some extra clothes you can use for extra warmth, such as pants and a long-sleeve shirt.

For when you need a mechanic…

We aren’t saying you must pack items required to remove an engine, but having a few basic tools on hand is always beneficial.

1. Tire jack and wheel wrench: Most vehicles will come with a tire jack, but these can often be a bit flimsy. Consider investing in a more robust jack and keep it with you to always be able to change a tire.  

2. Spare tire: The last thing you want is to need a spare only to find out that yours is either missing or flat. Yes, tires can expire, so make sure to replace your car’s spare every 5-7 years.

3. Jumper cables: A good set of jumper cables is handy when all you need is a quick jump.

4. Basic tool kit: Again, you don’t need to carry a whole mechanic shop with you, but you should have some basics. This includes a screwdriver, hammer, wrenches, multi-purpose tools, pliers, duct tape, and a knife.

General items to include… 

A few items should always be included in a car’s roadside emergency kit, regardless of the weather. These items will help keep you comfortable and safe while waiting for assistance.

1. Road flares and hazard triangles: If your car is stuck on the road, it’s important to let other motorists know. Having road flares and hazard triangles will alert other drivers of your presence, which will help avoid any further accidents.

a roadside emergency kit

2. Safety whistle: You never know when you’ll need to alert someone from far away or scare off wildlife quickly, so we recommend carrying a safety whistle in your roadside kit.

3. Flashlight with extra batteries: Not being able to see clearly can make an emergency much more difficult. Always keep a small but powerful flashlight in your car to avoid being left without light.

4. First aid kit: If you’re injured while waiting for assistance, having a first aid kit will help you patch yourself up before additional help arrives.

5. Nonperishable food: You may have little appetite when stranded on the road. However, we recommend you include nonperishable snacks within your kit to keep your stomach full in an emergency.

6. A pair of work gloves: If you’re caught in the rain or snow, having a pair of work gloves will make handling items much easier and help keep your hands warm.

7. Extra charger: It’s easy to find portable chargers that can work with multiple devices. Having one on hand will be beneficial in a survival situation when every bit of battery helps. Just keep in mind to check on it occasionally to ensure it is still fully charged.

Get the Coverage You Need

Do you travel frequently and want to cover all your bases? Consider purchasing roadside assistance. Whether you know how to change a tire or not, having roadside assistance as a part of your auto policy can provide a helpful hand in a tight situation. To learn more about how AIS can help get you covered, give us a call at (888) 772-4247.

The information in this article is obtained from various sources and is offered for educational purposes. Furthermore, it should not replace manuals or instructions provided by the manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional. No warranty or appropriateness for a specific purpose is expressed or implied.

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How to File a Business Property Insurance Claim and What to Expect


5 minute read

Facing a property loss at your business? Don’t let the added stress of filing an insurance claim overwhelm you. Whether it’s a sudden fire, a storm destroying your roof, or a vehicle crashing into your building, our comprehensive guide is the start of your business’s road to recovery. We’ll walk you through every step, from initial contact to final settlement, so you can focus on what matters most: rebuilding your business.

Before Disaster Strikes

ice cream owner reviewing insurance policy

Before a loss occurs, it’s important to know your policy coverage. Get familiar with what’s covered, what isn’t, and the dollar limit of your coverage. Your insurance advisor can guide you through the details of your policy. Next, become your own risk detective. Conduct a thorough assessment of your business property and processes to identify vulnerabilities. Proactive measures like installing security cameras or implementing a few safety measures can significantly reduce the likeliness of an insurance claim. Finally, be proactive with regularly updating and tracking your business’s assets. By doing so, you can prove what you have lost when filing a claim.

How to File a Commercial Property Insurance Claim in 6 Steps

Hopefully, you’ll never have to file a business insurance claim, but being prepared and knowing the steps can ensure a smooth and quick financial recovery. In fact, 40% of small businesses end up utilizing their commercial coverage, so understanding the process is crucial. Follow these steps to file a business insurance claim the right way:

1. Assess the Situation

business's windows boarded up

Depending on the type of loss, you may need to call local authorities to ensure everyone’s safety in and around your business. While this is not a claim requirement, having a police report outlining what happened can help establish liability or validate the loss for your insurance company. If authorities are not present, carefully inspect your business area for safe entry. If it is unsafe, do not put yourself or others at risk. Once the premise is safe to enter, turn off the electricity, water, and gas, if possible. Next, meticulously document all damages with pictures and videos. Avoid discarding anything except perishable food until you meet with an insurance adjuster. When tossing out perishables, take pictures for documentation. Some business owner’s policies (BOP) cover perishable stock under their food spoilage coverage.

2. Determine How to File an Insurance Claim

Next, determine your insurance company’s preferred claim filing method. Many offer online options to file a claim, while some require you to speak with an adjuster over the phone. The claims process can involve downloading and mailing documents, uploading documents to their online portal, or using their specialized app. Knowing your provider’s process will make it easier and quicker to file a claim.

3. Gather Necessary Information and Report an Insurance Claim

Before calling your insurance company to report the loss, you’ll need to gather some key information your insurance adjuster will need such as:

  • Contact information for you and others involved.
  • Policy number
  • Type of loss you’re submitting (property, auto, general liability, or workers’ compensation)
  • Nature of the loss (fire, theft, water damage, etc.)
  • Date and time of the incident
  • A description of the loss or any injury (pictures and videos)
  • Police or fire department reports
  • Any witnesses and their contact information
  • Inventory of damaged items including their receipts, invoices, or proof of purchase
  • Financial records or tax filings if you’re claiming business interruption or loss of income

4. Secure Your Property

To prevent further damage, make temporary and inexpensive repairs, but hold off on permanent fixes. For example, board up broken windows or tarp a leaky roof. Keep receipts for materials you buy as they may be reimbursed. Avoid fixing any damage yourself as this can affect the claims process. Your adjuster may need to visually inspect the damage before repairs begin, and they’ll be responsible for documenting everything properly. Rely on your adjuster’s guidance for further securing your property. They can offer tips on protecting undamaged items, preventing further water or fire damage, and mitigating any potential safety hazards.

5. Work With Your Assigned Adjuster

insurance claim adjuster looking at property

Your assigned adjuster is your key to recovery. It’s important to stay in close contact and be open and honest about the damage and your situation. Transparency builds trust and can help expedite the process, getting your business back up on its feet as soon as possible. Keep organized by taking notes and documenting interactions. Expect a company field adjuster to inspect your property, at which point clarify repair responsibilities and obtain information on the next steps. Don’t be afraid to ask questions such as confirming repair estimates and the expected timeline for settlement. Provide any records that can prove the value of damaged equipment. If you need to claim business interruption or loss of income insurance, you will need to prove financial records to determine the amount of business lost.

6. Review Claim Settlement Offer

Your adjuster will review your policy and documents to determine coverage and eligibility. Once complete, your adjuster will present a settlement offer. Carefully review it and ask questions. Open communication and patience are key here. Remember, this claim process takes time, so be patient. If there is a disagreement about the claim settlement, ask for the specific policy language in question to determine if you and the insurance company interpret the policy the same. Don’t rush into the settlement. If the offer made by an insurance company does not meet your expectations, be prepared to negotiate within your policy’s limits to get a fair settlement. Once the settlement is agreed upon, you’ll receive payment and can proceed with repairs to your business property.

What Happens If Your Insurance Claim Is Denied?

hair salon owner and insurance claim adjuster

If your claim is denied, first review the terms of your insurance coverage, and ask your adjuster for a clear written explanation outlining the specific reason for denial. This helps you understand their rationale and identify potential areas for appeal. Policies are very specific and will include specific clauses or exclusions that may have led to the denial. For example, business insurance policies include exclusions for flood damage, fraud, or late claim filing. Many insurance companies have internal appeals processes. Follow their procedures and submit your appeal in writing, addressing each point of denial and providing new evidence if available. If the internal appeal fails, you could file a complaint with your state’s insurance commissioner. They can investigate your claim and potentially intervene on your behalf. You may also consider consulting with an insurance lawyer or public adjuster. They can offer expert advice on the denial, review your policy, and advise on potential appeal strategies.

When Is It Worth It to File a Business Insurance Claim?

Several factors influence whether a business insurance claim is worth filing. Some of those factors include whether you are at fault, your policy coverage, the amount of the damage, and the type of incident. It’s worth filing a business insurance claim when the damage exceeds your deductible, while minor losses might be cheaper to handle yourself in the long run. Remember, claim history can affect future premiums, so consider the long-term impact before filing smaller claims. Insurers keep records of claims and share information across the industry. So, if you have a history of filing claims, your risk profile may increase potentially leading to higher premiums or even non-renewals by your insurance provider.

Is Your Business Truly Covered?

Don’t wait until disaster strikes to find out you have gaps in your coverage. Speak with one of our experienced Commercial Insurance Specialists today at (855) 919-4247 to review your policy. Our specialists can also provide you with a tailored commercial insurance quote to ensure you have the necessary coverage to protect your business.

The information in this article is obtained from various sources and offered for educational purposes only. Furthermore, it should not replace the advice of a qualified professional. The definitions, terms, and coverage in a given policy may differ from those suggested here. No warranty or appropriateness for a specific purpose is expressed or implied.

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