Home Life Insurance The Best and Worst Types of Life Insurance!


  1. Whole life insurance when structured properly should not be looked at as an expense. It should also not be looked at as an INVESTMENT but as a savings account. My mother always told me this tried and true principle of "You get what you pay for." For me I get more value by having whole life insurance instead of term insurance. For most people term insurance is totally appropriate and I'm sure that is your target audience (kinda like Dave Ramsey).

  2. Not to mention some term policies allow you to withdraw up to 50% if you become very ill and need to pay for treatment which is smart on the insurance side

  3. Your opinion is not a relevant answer to research. What does research show? If you don't know it, get familiar with it. Otherwise, you're offering advice based on conjecture and pretending that authoritative knowledge isn't readily available.

  4. Lol, top mutual insurers have been providing ror of around 4.5% tax free even when the interest rate was near zero for over 15 years. There is a lag in following the interest rate because not all of their money is getting the new rate but it should go up in coming years as it has done historically. It's not meant to compared to equities, its meant to compared to fixed asset portion, or is everyone suppose to put all their money except weekly grocery bills into the stock market?

  5. One other often overlooked factor that can lower your life insurance need is the Social Security survivor benefit for minor children. If you pay into Social Security and die when you still have minor children, your children are likely eligible for monthly ongoing payments, a portion of your Social Security benefit, until around when they turn 18 or graduate from high school. Something else to look into to make sure you're not paying for more life insurance than you need to…

  6. Unfortunately the comparison for permanent policies have been compared with the wrong benchmark again. For a balanced portfolio where the investment arm is well fueled, permanent LI should be compared with the fixed income investment bucket. The number of tax benefits for the permanent products was skipped over. For most folks out there, term LI makes most sense, but often people miss out on the benefits of permanent LI due to a lack of understanding and a focus on the fees. A huge miss.

  7. It's amazing how people don't understand why trying to use insurance for investing is silly. Why don't I buy "whole auto" or "whole homeowners"? Because I just want it to cover acts of god and there's nothing emotional about covering my car and home.

  8. It's funny, whenever videos mentioning insurance are released, you can see the insurance salesmen climb out of the woodwork in the comments. Drinking game, take a drink every time you see a profile with a full name and corporate style face pic say something along the lines of "Insurance product X with a proper structure can be a powerful part of your financial life".


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