Home Auto Insurance for those of you who dont have auto insurance?

for those of you who dont have auto insurance?

neonatheart asked:

why not??? are you not worried? i understand if you genuinely cannot afford it, but really you wont be able to afford what will happen if you get caught or get into an accident!

i’m an insurance agent and it KILLS me how many people call in and have never had insurance or havent for years, months, whatever.

BTW even if you do not have your own car, if you ever drive at all you are supposed to have insurance. it’s the law. it’s called a non-owners policy and it’s very cheap for most people. and if you are driving a friend’s car and they have insurance and you dont, and you get into an accident the other person can go after both you and the owner seperately and you’ll have no protection.


  1. welcome to new mexico, most do not have licenses, insurance or current registration but even when they are caught by the police the law has no teeth to do anything serious about it because they are illegal.

    and some of you want this governor to be president ?

  2. Bravo for you, loslunas ! Go figure how ILLEGALs have more rights than us citizens ! As far as the actual question.. well, original opinion, that is, from neonath, I agree.


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