Home Health Insurance Your back-to-school health checklist

Your back-to-school health checklist

Your back-to-school health checklist

After a summer of having the freedom to stay up late, eat sweet summer treats and run wild, kids are in for a wake up call as they return to school. Transitioning into a routine can be difficult for kids, so it’s important to prepare for the first day of school to ease the process. Keep reading for our advice on how to get your kids back on track for a healthy school year.

Schedule appointments

The new school year can also bring new health concerns. Scheduling annual health and dental checkups, vaccinations, vision exams, hearing tests, and even allergy tests before school starts can prevent health complications and illnesses during the school year. If your child has a health issue or allergy, contact the school to ensure it is known and to establish necessary action plans.

Practice and prepare

You can ease your child into their school routine by starting a similar routine a couple weeks before the first day of school. Practice going to bed and waking up a little earlier, as well as removing screen devices at night. Whether your kids are taking the bus, walking, or biking to school, make sure they know their route to school and the rules of the road.

In addition to preparing for the expected, it’s also important to prepare for the unexpected. Practice what to do in an emergency and make sure your child knows who to contact and how to get help in an emergency.

Ease Anxiety

After a long summer, it’s normal for kids and parents to feel anxious for the first day of school. To ease anxiety, make sure your child is getting enough exercise, sleep and nutrition in the days leading up to the start of the school year. In addition, talking about what to expect on the first day of school and planning outfits, lunches, and packing supplies ahead of time can also ease anxiety.





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