Home Life Insurance Why Whole Life Insurance Is A Bad Investment | How Whole Life Insurance “REALLY” Works!

Why Whole Life Insurance Is A Bad Investment | How Whole Life Insurance “REALLY” Works!

Why Whole Life Insurance Is A Bad Investment | How Whole Life Insurance “REALLY” Works!

http://termupnow.com/?t=TermUpLeads Why Whole Life Insurance Is A Bad Investment | How Whole Life Insurance “REALLY” Works! Whole life insurance is …


  1. I disagree with you. When the cash value sets in you can use it to your advantage. Loan is guarantee, no due date to pay it back( interest does accrue on the loan so don't act stupid by not paying the money back), compound interest is not disturbed on the face value of the policy, loan is tax free, loan is from an asset. So what if the cash value goes to the insurance company when your gone? Take advantage of the cash value whileyour living. Use it to invest, pay down/off debt, for all kinds emergencies, anything/everything. Term life insurance is of no value if it's expired or its termed. Unless you convert it, you can't use it. So is term life insurance better? Why? Because it is cheaper?.

  2. Whole Life is a complete scam. Those advocating it are the ones selling it. You are charged 20 times more in premiums than term. Oh sure, they promise you a "savings account" with your high payments, but the only way to get money out is to "borrow" against it or "surrender" the policy that charges high fees. And here's the kicker, when you die, the insurance company KEEPS the cash value that you paid into all these years. You'd be better off sticking your money under the mattress than buying Whole Life. At least, the money in the mattress you can keep. Stay away from Whole Life and the Low-Lifes who sell it.

  3. So what happens to the money you paid into a Term policy if you out live it? Are the Banks really a better alternative in the Insurance Companies? Just asking because of what happened in the 2008 debacle. I really want to understand this because ive been doing my research on the top earners of the world, where high premiums arent a problem, and they seem to be moving their money way different my brother.

  4. Thank you for this information. I've almost got swindled I was looking into doing whole life insurance as an investment.
    The proposal that was sent to me was
    1. I would've only been able to borrow 60.8% of the overall funds that would be expected, so if I invested 100,000 only 60,800 would've been available
    2. The 39.1% went directly to the insurance company, for no reason other than greed
    3. My life insurance premium was 9 times more than my term life insurance, over $900.00 a month
    4. The salesman sent a nasty gram stating that I wasted his time

    Why would you purposefully record yourself misleading other black people?

    It's just shameful! And you should feel ashamed!!! Now, go stand in front of a mirror and slap yourself 12 times, real hard!!!


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