Home Life Insurance Whole Life Insurance in 4 Minutes


  1. EVERY single whole life policy that I have come across have 3 things in common. THESE ARE SO IMPORTANT!!!!!

    1. No money is accumulated for the first 1-5 in the cash value savings account. (I've seen 1 that was 20 years) Would you put money in a bank and come back 4 years down the road with no money in it and be content?

    2. If you decide you NEED to take money from your cash value account you have to pay it back to the company with a 5-8 percent interest rate. (On YOUR own money!) Does it make sense to borrow your own money!?

    3. If you DIE you LOSE your cash value! The company gets to pocket all of that money! They will ONLY pay the death benefit! If you were paying for 2 things your entire life and you only got 1 at the end what would you call that?

  2. This is how whole life works. They charge you 20 times what term life insurance cost, then they take HUGE fees, and then they give you 1.2% annual returns….and get this……KEEP YOU CASH VALUE when you die. Instead, pay $20/month for term and invest the rest on your own in mutual funds. Whole life is a garbage product for people that don't understand how compounding interest works.

  3. This is not an informative video I was looking for an explanation of how whole life works without the bias. This video doesn’t answer any of my questions and is really just a very poorly done sales video.

  4. A life insurance company just paid a $100,000 death benefit to a beneficiary. When the insured died, the cash value was $15,000 and the total premiums-paid equaled $10,000. How much of the proceeds will be added to the beneficiary's gross income for federal income tax purposes?

  5. "Invest the rest" in what though? Investing money can be daunting for a lot of people. And if markets decline, what if you're left with nothing? Whole Life is a safe way to protect a family from financial stresses, is a non investment and is not garbage.

  6. Why not pay the $19 and invest the rest so that your money grows right away and it's yours so you don't have to borrow it and earn a better ror? WL is garbage


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