Home Auto Insurance What happens if I’m at fault for a car accident

What happens if I’m at fault for a car accident

What happens if I’m at fault for a car accident

Did you cause a car crash and wondered what happens if I’m at fault for a car accident? I am Chicago personal injury lawyer Barry Zlotowicz. Welcome to the …


  1. The driver who caused my accident didn’t handover their details and they got away with it because the police couldn’t identify them and they done a lot wrong at the time of the accident.

  2. Hello, thank you for video. My situation is I hit
    Someone from behind at 25 mph , the sun was in my face and I was blinded for a second and didn’t see the car stopped,
    This car hit the car in front of it with minor damage. Now the car I hit was very old and I completely damaged the truck and number, smashed and they couldn’t close they truck. Now everyone got a claim number exchanges information and went on our way. So, today I get a statement 15 days after the accident stating 3 people have claimed injuries. When I called they directed me to the adjustments department , I left a message to call me back because I’m so worried they are going to sue me. Everyone got out of the car and was fine. How long before I find out if they are going to hit me with injury? I only have $15k bodily $k30 per car for accident. If they come after me I’m scared we would have to take money from our home.

  3. I was first e mailed from my insurance company that i was not at fault! Then couple weeks past by and I was let known I was at fault. Now my insurance will not cover any medical coverage. But in my contract it list I am cover per person 50k bodily injury witch I got hurt from so they told me to go in a hospital & get check. They said do what the doctor recommended now i am a hole of bills because the insurance say I am at fault n will not cover anything

  4. Hello thank you so much for your video! I was involved in an accident which was mostly my fault. I was at a stop sign turning left at a freeway. Before I turned I looked both ways and made sure no car was there and when I was about halfway done with my turn I was hit in the drivers side but mostly towards the back of my side. I am sure the person was speeding because I didn’t see him until it was too late. Before the police arrived he took pictures but I didn’t because of shock then he moved his car. His wrist was hurt and he was not wearing a seatbelt but I got the citation and I have to go to court. I know it was my negligence because I didn’t see him until it was too late is there anything I can do?

  5. Hello and thanks for your video. I'm in a complicated situation, I was in a multiple accident, I was driving a motorcycle following another motorcycle, and that motorcyclist got in front of me and break and I hit his rear tire and lost control of my motorcycle,there was another motorcyclist behind me, that passed me and hit a car, I finished on the ground with minor injuries and the other motorcyclist suffer some major injuries the person of the car was totally fine. The police on the report put me at fault for the whole accident situation, and I was uninsured at the time. The thing is the person in the car is saying his going to sue me because of what the police report says. I tried talking to the officer but he still say I'm at fault when the other motorcyclist was the one who hitted the car. I belive the accident happened even before I fell from my motorcycle.

  6. I was at fault in a car accident about a month ago and Im lucky that since I rear ended a city bus and no one was on the bus, there were no damages 2 the bus and the driver was fine so I didn’t have 2 worry about getting sued. My insurance was really good. My car was totaled and they gave us money 2 compensate 4 the car as well as paying the towing fee and my medical expenses. Unfortunately my insurance did go up but I’m not sure how much yet ?

  7. I got into a bad accident at work driving couple years ago and the other party was injured I was at fault, I was served papers today and it has my name and the company name on them , am I going to be responsible for paying them if I loose the case or is the company liable , (here in Ca)

  8. Hi there. First of all thanks you for this very helpful video!
    I know in California it’s an automatic at fault when merging into incoming traffic, but in the case of being rear ended by a drunk driver shouldn’t that be more at fault?

  9. I was being irresponsible and crashed into a building on a deep turn in Monroe Louisiana. Car is totaled and the front of the building is messed up, what can I expect goin forward. How bad did i mess up.

  10. That was very good and informative. I had a teacher who was at fault in a car accident but the person he hit didn’t bother to exchange insurance. The person he hit just decided to leave the scene. A few years later she somehow got his insurance and now he’s being sued. Do you think the victim should be charged with hit and run even though she wasn’t at fault?

  11. Hi I got into an accident at a school drop off line at school and I rolled into the car in front of me all that happened to his car was a little line dent on his rear bumper and my front bumper popped off I called the police and told them what should I do should I get a rent car to wait for my car and I also have full coberqge

  12. Hey good day, i caused an accident and my claim was declined because my name was not under insurance policy. So, now after the claim was denied for that reason what do i do now ? The victim did not have insurance either. What would be my next move ?

  13. Hello Dr, I got into a car accident few days ago. I was double parked to answer a phone call. I check the mirror to see if someone was coming and didn’t see nothing . Once I tried to merge on to the lane this black Lexus came and hit my car from the side causing him to crash into me and another vehicle. I say he was going over the speed limit because if he was going at a regular speed , he would of had time to brake or just hit my car. Not impacting me and hitting another car that was on the other side of the lane. Keep in mind I only have a permit but I’m 19. My dads car has insurance and everything is up to date. What can I expect ? I’m from New York City ! Hope to hear from you soon thanks in advance.


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