Home Life Insurance Term Life Insurance Better Than Whole Life?

Term Life Insurance Better Than Whole Life?

Term Life Insurance Better Than Whole Life?

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  1. Off course there are products that give you same as mutual funds. any way why rich ppl in Canada gave millions of $ worth of permanent coverage. It's not sad because there are many other formats of coverage.?

  2. What investment in this planet pays off 8-10% a year on a $500,000 deposit???????????
    So you are saying that there is an investment that pays that kind of interest with minimal risk? That is completely ridiculous.
    Another thing, the MAJORITY of working families in this country WON'T be able to afford a term life when they are close to 70yo.
    Whole life is more expensive when people are younger but is WAY CHEAPER compared to a term when people are older. Which makes a lot of sense, most working families will be making less money when they retire!?

  3. In all seriousness, I am literally so glad that he posted this video. My husband has an IUL (Indexed Universal Life) that has been costing us 200.00 a month! We're newlyweds and we can't even afford to cover me, if anything happens. I have finally talked him into cancelling it and we are both now in the process of moving over to a term life insurance plan with AIG.
    But this just furthers my point, and I am so happy he finally made a video about it, that directly talks about the differences!?

  4. I understand what he's saying about cash value life insurance in general being a rip off but about the Bank On Yourself strategy? Could someone comment on this??

  5. Wait… $500,000 pays $50k/year in interest alone?!?!?! Ok, that is my new goal in life. To earn that in the next <5 years so I can live off the interest!?

  6. Hey Dave- Been watching your channel for awhile. The question I have is when is the right time to hire a financial adviser? My wife and I are 30 and are accruing some wealth (Net Wealth $200,000) in the Midwest but are worried that a financial adviser may not have our best interests in mind (example term vs whole conversation).?


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