Home Life Insurance Suze Orman on Cash Value Life Insurance vs Term Life Insurance

Suze Orman on Cash Value Life Insurance vs Term Life Insurance

Suze Orman on Cash Value Life Insurance vs  Term Life Insurance

http://www.integritymarketingseo.com Suze Orman speaks out on Life Insurance. Check out more personal finance videos and walk throughs about Term Life …


  1. Does Suze get paid by Primerica? A combination of Term, Whole, and Investments is a healthy way to balance out your risk and plan for you future. Why doesn't she speak about balancing? She also mentions many time that the market will give you an average of 8% . Hmm, Suze makes it sound like a guarantee. How can she blast life insurance agents or financial planners who sell ULs with hypothetical returns when even her 8% is a hypothetical as well. It's funny when you see the mutual fund ads during commercial breaks when her show is on. How much is you show getting from that Suze? Bottom line is, she's can't be making blanket statement like buy term and invest the difference. What happens if you don't have a permanent policy and your heirs have to pay estate tax. Isn't it better to pay the estate tax with some whole life benefits? There's just too many holes in some her advice. Being moderate and well balanced has served me well. I enjoy some of her advice but not all of it.?

  2. You must first become a customer/associate by purchasing the MCA Total Security Motor Club Membership. The cost of the membership is only $40 then only $20 a month to keep your membership active. (No contract). 
    What are you paying for ? You are paying for your MCA membership benefits. As a member/associate you earn $80 for every referral. 
    01. Membership Sold = $80.00
    02. Memberships Sold = $160.00
    03. Memberships Sold = $240.00
    04. Memberships Sold = $320.00
    05. Memberships Sold = $410.00 ($2.00 bonus per member)
    10. Memberships Sold = $840.00 ($4.00 bonus per member)
    15. Memberships Sold = $1,290.00 ($6.00 bonus per member)?

  3. Her advice is no good. My parents did this and are now not qualified for new insurance after term runs out. I asked to keep the permanent insurance and now they regret believing the lies from Primerica. Whatever you do keep permanent!?

  4. I think the only people that really benefit from whole life are companies or the 1% that use it as a tax heaven, for middle income families it is absolutely not the correct financial strategy. Not only is the cash value of their policy after a number of years paying in absurd amounts of money a pathetic return the agents also don't tell you that while your premium remains the same over the life of the policy that they actually use the cash value to start paying the difference of the premium. It's on EVERY illustration of a whole or universal life policy they just never draw attention to it because people will wonder why on earth the cash value reduces in value after a number of years (usually between year 25-30 of the policy) until it is depleted to zero.

    In the insurance world, no agent should EVER point to the non-guaranteed column on an illustration, of course that column is the one with all the fancy numbers and projected growth of your cash value with a NON-GUARANTEED rate of return of usually 6%, 7% or 8% but very clearly on the policy illustration they say they don't guarantee more than 1% so they're inflating the number to make it look appealing.

    I would say the 8% she projected if you invested the difference is quite accurate, most mutual funds have a 3,5, 10 year rate of return of at least that if not higher.?

  5. This is the worst financial advice for this person. I cannot believe that she furnished this as proper advice. If anyone has any questions, please contact me and I will explain why what Suze suggested is wrong. Wow how disappointing that she has the ability to be on TV and give bad advice.?

  6. 8% is neither projected nor guaranteed, it is pure fantasy. All life insurance agents selling you showing that magic 8% and the only time you actually don't loose money is if you put it in 4% fixed, otherwise, sooner or later economy takes a dive and you end up with zero.?

  7. At 2:45, she asks him whether his cash value of $1 million shown in the policy for his retirement years is "projected" or is it "guaranteed". I'd have to ask her back whether the 8% she used to come up with her projection of $680K – was that 8% rate of return she used – was that guaranteed? Or was it "projected"? And what would be the tax bite on each of those amounts when I tried to access either of those amounts of money?

    I am not opposed to "buy term and invest the difference", as for some people it is the correct strategy. But it is not the ONLY strategy. There is a reason that there are different strategies – because different tools have been developed to address different financial needs for different clients. Her zealous clinging to term as the only viable form of life insurance is unreasonable and advocating it as a blanket approach for every person is tantamount to financial malpractice, in my opinion.?

  8. Bank of America has $21,000,000,000 (Billions) in cash value life insurance in tier 1 capitol. It's public knowledge… apparently they have selfish idiots advising them. Maybe collateralization and uninterrupted compound interest isn't real, I'll ask Warren Buffett what he thinks. Who's paying this lady??

  9. What an idiot. Telling someone to cancel their life ins, with only 3 yrs left to pay is the dumbest comment I've ever heard. I was referred to a couple, in their mid 60's who must have taken her advice & bought 10 year term but they are not able to renew them because they both have developed health problems & they just built a $500,000 home. If the husband dies before it is paid off the wife will be in serious trouble. And worse is having them cancel the policies on the kids & invest the premium. At a cost of $150 yr, if they earned 10%, that would be a whopping $15.00 yr. That should easily pay for college.?

  10. You know these financial pundits think they are so smart.. However When you look at where the rich save their money… Its no where near like what these "gurus say" You want to see how rich people do it.. look at the clinton's personal set up http://pfds.opensecrets.org/N00000019_2015_Pres_A.pdf Page 4 lists qty 5 yes 5 whole life policys between the clintons and 1 index fund and bonds. if buy term and invest the rest worked so well and whole life sucked like these gurus say.. why are multi millionaires using them? Sorry If im going to put my money anywhere im gonna mimic what the rich do and not what some tv head says.?

  11. Whole life sucks I know from rip off family experiences. So it don't take a rocket science/life insurance or investment person to know this. Fuck all these conflict of interest negative comments on suze. ?

  12. I'm speechless. Suze' misinformation is astounding.  After truly studying the insurance industry, I have found that Universal life has revolutionized retirement planning, especially over the past 15 years.  Do you want a truly tax free account that offer safety,liquidity and a great (average 8+per cent) rate of return?  Well, you are not going to get that from anything Suze recommends.  Instead, you'll get risk, fees and taxes,  Find out the truth. Understand the tax code 72e and 7702 and how TEFRA DEFRA and TAMRA govern the tax free accumulation, distribution, and transfer with in a properly designed and funded Indexed Universal Life Policy.  Ed Slott is on track.  Look up the RAFT Strategy: The Retirement Approach Free of TAX. or Tax Free Retirement. Free yourself of these limiting ideas propagated by money managers who operate by charging annual fees to (not) baby sit risky stocks bonds and mutual funds… How did they do for you in 2008??

  13. Suze, I remember when you were a Prudential agent and you should know that there are at least 6 types of cash value life insurance policies , at least 4 unrelated term plans I can  think of and NO advisors should ever make a blanket statement like 1 type of policy is worse for consumers than others. I have  done this 32 years , always as a broker and frankly any diagnoses over the phone or a radio show is not in the clients best interest. ( Not enough information to make a diagnosis)?


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