Home Auto Insurance Speaking With Auto Insurance Adjusters After Your Accident

Speaking With Auto Insurance Adjusters After Your Accident

Speaking With Auto Insurance Adjusters After Your Accident

http://www.mauslawfirm.com South Florida car accident attorney Joseph Maus gives you information about what happens after a car accident, who contacts you …


  1. Some lawyers are in gang with insurance mafia and the doctors too :
    – insurance refuse to pay …because the doctors say …”..your injuries…are not so bad…”.. and ..your lawyer is getting BRIBED BY INSURANCE AND FUCKS YOU OVET ….so…THIS IS HOW INSURANCE GOES MAFIA ON CLIENTS…!!!!!!.

  2. What happens if I spoke to the other person insurance agent and he recorded. I told him I was on medication and had a head injury, but he continued. There client hit me from behind, but he said someone hit him and he told the cops that I said I saw him and I said NO I did not or the person in front of me. They do not want to pay. What do I do?

  3. Insurance companies are very much so a scam how can you pay faithfully pay into something for years and if you never have an accident you get nothing back or if you have a
    Great driving record and have an accident the insurance companies treat you horribly,then listen to this guy what he saying is true but it's not PIP coverage but PIMP coverage lol

  4. my company just dropped me for a family member receiving a DWI. it affected the whole family. i owe the company 2 months payment. do i still have to pay them even though they just dropped me???

  5. Thank you for posting this video it is very informational .I might be calling you very soon. However I noticed that this is an old video and I'm not sure if the phone number is still available.

  6. Accc is trash I had my truck stolen then 2 months later some punk alleged x this agent or some crap tells me I need to hire an attorney for giving fraud statements which I small bullshit he's lucky I didn't just kick his ass this crap drove me to begin exhausting my remedies then I filed a complaint with the texas insurance commissioner or now TDI the new t thing I know these people Are calling me back saying the adjuster no longer works for the company, it's all bullshit and I'm still yet to see reimbursement accc is trash

  7. 2 hrs ago I was involved in a " not at fault" accident. She made a left turn in front of me…blah blah blah.. I'm pretty shook up right now. The fact that guys like you take the time to post on YT is a Godsend. I am more at ease and confident because of this short post. And I certainly will sleep better tonight. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

  8. Auto Insurance Bundled toll-free number call 877-831-0637 I got my great car insurance after I compare to some companys. The greatest is my car insurance is the cheapest insurance with excellent service. This call info may help you 877-831-0637

  9. Ever heard of insurance fraud? You have those people to thank for the reason we(claims adjusters) have to ask probing questions. If you have nothing to hide then there is no reason why this should bother anyone. Feel free to get an attorney. Feel free to get a second opinion. Contrary to popular belief, we got into this field because it pays well; not to screw people over. We have no perks to doing so, BUT if we pay out on a claim that turns out to be fraud then we do get into trouble. Everything a claims adjuster does is registered to the state and if they violate that then they could lose their license(which would also cause them to lose their job). An adjuster can also completely break down everything that was looked at in your claim. ASK! I am on here writing this because it's frustrating to have so much bad mouthing going on like we get a kick out of not paying out claims…it's not our personal money. If you have an honest claim why do I care about paying it to you? Ask yourself that next time when you are ringing up your ambulance chasing attorney's who DO have personal gain in getting people/companies screwed over in some way. You can also thank them for OUR rates being driven up(yes claims adjusters share your rates and also file claims at times that aren't allowed to be handled by anyone who knows them; go figure?).  Insurance companies can easily raise rates to cover claims over time. Which is why your rates go up especially if you live in a high-risk zip code. We just want to get your claim handled and over with. You know that hard to deal with customer that comes into your workplace and gives you a headache? Guess what? We don't like that either and just want everything to get done as smoothly as possible. I actually enjoy hearing thank you and have a great day!


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