Home Life Insurance Should I Cash Out My Whole Life Policy To Pay Off Debt?

Should I Cash Out My Whole Life Policy To Pay Off Debt?

Should I Cash Out My Whole Life Policy To Pay Off Debt?

SUMMARY Jonathan from Lexington, KY is in Baby Step 2 and is working to pay off $92000 in consumer debt. His mom took out a whole life insurance policy on …


  1. Guys Dave Ramsey doesn't know what he is talking about regarding insurance. Term insurance gets more expensive as you get older. Unless you die it is worthless.Ramsey is giving bad advice.

  2. Man that's such bad advice. Take a policy loan and use that $7300 to help pay off higher interest debt. the $7300 Keeps growing and you can use it as many times as you need to pay down the debt. It is a waste of capital and a financial mistake to cash this policy out. Especially if his mom is still paying for it. It's FREE Capital.

  3. Im sure his mom set this up to benefit her grandchildren, not to spoil those years of premiums paying off foolish debt. This selfish instant gratification is cringeworthy.

  4. My newborn sons policy costs $50/mo for fifty years then its paid in full. An estimated death benefit around $400,000, this for premiums of $30,000. All tax free.

  5. So you're saying this mom made a bad move for having insurance on her child? There is no term insurance available on a child… So that rules this out. What would you suggest Mr. Ramsey on an adult without insurance in their 50s-70s that did not buy term and invest anything. Who is going to be there to pay for their burial? Leave this financial burden on their families? I am trying to wrap my head around this concept.

  6. I think I have one of the best whole life policies where my annual payment is only about 250. With gain of cash value about $1200 a year. Dividends used to purchase more coverage. I’m 25 and sitting at 21k cash value so idk sounds like there are good and bad policies

  7. How ridiculous giving tax advice without even asking what her cost basis is! There’s no way Dave knows how much she paid into into it because he didn’t ask! This guy very well could have a taxable event, but he wouldn’t know because Dave is giving him bad advice. Ignorant !

  8. 12 times my income in term defiantly costs more than a pizza. Also not everyone is a track star so if your not perfect on the BMI chart your cheap rates double.


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