Home Auto Insurance Major car insurance changes coming in B.C.

Major car insurance changes coming in B.C.

Major car insurance changes coming in B.C.

Major car insurance changes in British Columbia come into effect on April 1. The new rules include a $5500 cap on pain and suffering payouts for crash victims …


  1. These comments are also funny; people want private intervention when the government system doesn’t work for them and then they want government intervention when the private system doesn’t work for them.

  2. That's ironic coming from the same guy (Eby) who sent me back to ICBC
    with my blatant fraud complaint after they didn't do anything about it
    to begin with. It seems like ICBC wants to waste money so they can
    increase rates in the future and now the people are fed up so FINALLY
    they are making changes…or pretending to anyway. Don't trust
    authorities because they are usually career climbing liars with to much

  3. ICBC is disgusting the way they treat policyholders while those who
    vandalize, steal and cause millions in damage don;t even have to
    reimburse the deductible, which should be waived if you're a victim of
    crime. BUT a young person who does all the right things, goes to
    school, obeys the laws, gets a job, saves their money and buys a car to
    go to more school and/or to work is being penalized to pay for those who
    do the wrong things. It is blatantly unfair and every parent should be
    outraged that the government takes advantage of decent law abiding
    citizens while they go easy on crime and criminals. utter bs.

  4. I’m devoting my legal career to dismantling this crown corporation. It needs to be audited and subjected to an ethics committee. It punishes young people without remorse, it gives no regard to affordability, it allows for social credit liberals to steal money to balance budgets.

  5. I’m a new driving over 25 years old and was planning to get a 2000 Honda Civic for work but I went to my broker today and got quoted $395/month??? it’s freaking insane! With gas, parking and maintenance I’ll go broke, I think I’m back on the bus!

  6. New rates for new drivers is a joke. They have to pay 5300$ per year now. When does it stop. And now you have to be a safe driver for 40 years!? I have never had an accident ever since I started driving 21 years ago. And my premiums still go up every year. Icbc is a scam and rip off. I can love with high gas prices but insurance is enough to make me move.

  7. Well bc you made the government eat the hst a few years ago, unlike we dummies in Ontario. Make them finally get rid of the failed icbc socialist crap and allow competition like a real democracy!

  8. Let private companies sell insurance in bc! I think it was around 1973 it came out,if the rates are even higher than ontatios gta demolition derby it is a FAILURE! I want to move back to bc but this is crap.the private system is no hell, but anything the government does seems to be worse.let people have the option of buying basic private insurance. Face it folks the socialist government insurance experiment failed decades ago.

  9. ICBC is misleading the public suggesting, significant losses and claiming poverty, while raking in huge profits from Optional Insurance saying they are "borrowing" money from one insurance to cover the other. This bookkeeping exercise is deceitful and needs to be exposed to the innocent rate payer.

  10. I got hit close to two years ago. I'm still in recovery for soft tissue injuries. ICBC has been awful this entire time. I couldn't deal with them without the help of my lawyer. At least I know I won't settle until I'm fully healed even though ICBC keeps trying to close the case.

  11. Common sense approach. I wish the USA could implement this but lawyers and their big time political machines would never allow it. We are held captive here by anything that involves wasting time in court.


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