Home Life Insurance Life Insurance with Pretty


  1. Thank you so much,I really needed that.Can you please recommend me a right life insurance,actually,how do I get in touch with you so that you can clarify something for me on the one that you have

  2. Yoh I was so close to signing nothing I knew about. Which insurance companies would you recommend. I’m looking into old mutual right now and I feel like my guy has left me in the dark

  3. I took it in 2015 when I was buying my flat and ceded it. I got Greenlight at Old Mutual for 1.2m for less than R400 a month on premiums but Old Mutual made us scared for not paying out other people until they took the corpse to their offices?????.

  4. Your videos are so informative and simplified. I’m a FA, please do a video on car insurance a lot of people struggle with this and they find themselves in situations where insurance companies don’t pay because of the limited information they have. And most people just care about the premium and forget about the excess and the exclusions


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