Home Life Insurance Life Insurance Companies Are Doing The "Unthinkable" – Turning Away Life Insurance

Life Insurance Companies Are Doing The "Unthinkable" – Turning Away Life Insurance

Life Insurance Companies Are Doing The "Unthinkable" – Turning Away Life Insurance

Life Insurance Companies Are Doing The “Unthinkable” – Turning Away Life Insurance 0:23 – Life insurance can be an important part of financial planning 1:51 …


  1. Insurance companies are a type of bank.
    The real unthinkable thing is since people were talked into getting the emergency experimental injection, with out making sure that they talked to their insurance company to make sure it is covered in the case of death by injection!
    So millions of people have nullified their life insurance policies, without knowing they did!

  2. I have followered you for some time and the content of information has started to get pretty misleading. Every insurance policy you own is adjusted based on risk. A younger person pays less in life insurance but more in car insurance. Renters insurance is less than home owners insurance. To say young people shouldn’t buy life insurance if they have no dependents, is misleading. I just structured a policy for my 2 yr grand daughter. It guarantees her insurability no matter happens in the life. She is guaranteed to have her policy in place with the same premium for the rest of her life. On top of that, she will have roughly 1.6 – 2.3M in cash value. Why? There is no downside to the invest into a permanent policy. There is downside risk to the stock market. Please, if you’re going to educate your listeners, tell the whole story. Although PolicyGenius does provide value, they look at life insurance as a stand alone financial decision and it’s not. Life insurance needs to fit into a clients financial goals and long term plans. Permanent Life insurance also has living benefits very people talk about.

  3. Buying life insurance when your young with no kids does one very important thing. It guarantees insurability at a low rate. If you wait my be older, sicker, etc and not get approved.

    Also if you have assets life insurance is a great vehicle to transfer that wealth to your beneficiaries income tax free

  4. It's videos like this that leads people to believe that life insurance is only used for death benefits. The wealthy knows how to use tax codes combined with life insurance policies to strategize. Bad advice

  5. I disagree, unfortunately. If you are young, you can use Life insurance (whole life policy) to suplement your retirement income, and also if you are young, the better because cash value gets to grow nicely and by the time you are older you can USE that money, again this is only on a whole life policy.

  6. Just like anything else life insurance will work for you, if you know how it works to begin with. If you want to get technical unless you're licensed you shouldn't be talking about how life insurance works, because you dont know how it works yourself. He makes some valid points in this video regarding life insurance, other comments are based on stereotypical assumptions and are completely inaccurate and incorrect. At the end of the day educate yourself properly before making a decision, that way it can be an educated decision. Hes just advertising for policygenius. If you really want to get educated free of charge. Reach out I'm an actual licensed agent.

  7. MM Family I have a question, maybe I misheard but did Jaspreet say that people 70+ with certain pre-existing conditions can be denied for life insurance. Isn't that discrimination?

  8. Thank you so much,

    I got a great price of $11.68/month for a 20 year term, hopefully in 20 years I'll have enough money to cover me and my loved ones.

    This is a sponsorship I can get behind. Please, if there's only one request, do a video on your thoughts on car insurance.

  9. This actually makes sense, I'm not your financial adviser my opinion is this:

    Life insurance isn't meant to be an investment, it is meant to hedge against debts and the cost of dying early. If you're for instance 30 years old and have a spouse/ relationship, it's meant to lessen the pain of your loss. You should only have a life insurance policy for the necessary time you think you have low assets.

    For instance at age 30, by around 50 or 60 you should have enough assets to cover the event of your death. You pay monthly premiums to cover the event that you die prematurely which is statistically unlikely (think less than 5% for a healthy person). That's how life insurance is suppose to work, it's suppose to make up the difference in the event your life is gone and you need to pay off debts, your funeral costs, and help financially to anyone who depends on you.

    Example: Say your spouse relies on $1,000/month in benefits, if you die, with a $300,000 payout on a 4% return, you could have $1,000/month for life given to the person who has you prematurely die.

  10. Ya’ll know there’s a new type of term life insurance out there? 1) if you get cancer the policy pays out 100% while you’re alive if you need the money
    2) return of premium , you get your money back after your term contract is over. You won’t find these type of life insurance policies in your HR department at work. You gotta know where to go.

  11. I'm glad I got my new cash value 10/90 split whole life policy up and running before all this started. If you know what your doing, the Infinite Banking concept can change your life.

    It's been a eye opener for me. Awesome video and thanks for the information. Good luck to everyone and stay safe.


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