Home Life Insurance Life Insurance 101: Term Life Insurance vs Whole Life Insurance (Part 2)

Life Insurance 101: Term Life Insurance vs Whole Life Insurance (Part 2)

Life Insurance 101: Term Life Insurance vs Whole Life Insurance (Part 2)

http://www.integritymarketingseo.com How to Purchase the right Type of Life Insurance (Whole Life vs. Term Insurance) Life Insurance Basics Life Insurance 101 …


  1. I've been in the life insurance industry for over 30 years. This video is not very accurate on the facts. 1st I'm not aware of any mutual fund earning 12% over the life of the fund.The main problem that I have seen is buy term and spend the difference. then at age 65 you have no insurance and no savings. The reason for this is that we are an instant gratification society. There are some people who can accomplish this, but  not the majority. If they save their money in qualified accounts 401k and IRA's . They would have saved there anyway. There are some companies that have transitional life which is term to age 65 thru 70 of term insurance then a paid up policy . For example $500,000 term and at age 65 $50,000 paid up policy.

  2. Greg, first and foremost, you must be comparing only the worst of the worst insurance companies in existance. Second, you made the statement which qualified the first point I made, by saying that whole life insurance companies have only been around for a century. Completely inaccurate. Third, you show on a graph exactly how a novice, rookie agent, with little to know training, may structure a policy. Once again, WRONG. I could continue to pick apart many of the statements that you make that are bogus, but I wont, (of course, unless you challenge me, which I would absolutely demolish your ideas.

  3. Hi Greg, are you affiliated with Primerica? Sounds like an A.L. Williams concept, which I agree with by the way. I was an A.L. Williams rep in the 80's and learned a lot about thier concepts from the experience.

  4. I agree with the last poster. You are describing Universal Life not traditional Whole Life, and you should be more specific. Please do not take this guys word he is clearly either uniformed himself or worse misleading you to promote his own agenda to sell term (temporary) life insurance. Life insurance is a tool and like any tool one size does not fit all needs. Please seek a the advise of a competent professional when purchasing life insurance.

  5. You should explain that you are describing Universal Life or Variable Universal Life Insurance. Things like this are why people are so confused when it comes to Life Insurance. Spreading Financial Myths is wrong.

  6. This was very informative; i knew there was a reason whole life was not a good idea, at least not to people who can pick up the phone and invest in a no-load mutual fund. . . .


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