Home Auto Insurance If Insurance Companies Were Honest – Honest Ads

If Insurance Companies Were Honest – Honest Ads

If Insurance Companies Were Honest – Honest Ads

SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://goo.gl/ITTCPW Insurance people are really just the superheroes of bending us over for the pleasure of paying them to do the bare …


  1. American's don't have a choice whether or not to purchase insurance? Wow, land of the free? lol. I think you guys might want to start reassessing your slogans.?

  2. I forgot to mention that if you think an auto insurance company isn't paying you what it should after an accident, you can call an accident/injury lawyer who will not collect any pay unless they win or settle your case – usually around 30 percent of the proceeds..?

  3. Insurance isn't about protection, it's about risk and making the insured whole after a covered incident occurs. This is why insurance premiums rise after the claim is settled – the person is now known to be a higher risk for the covered incident type. The only insurance anyone is required to get is health insurance (courtesy of Obamacare). Many people think that they are required to get auto insurance, but that is not the case if they do not drive – and in some states they can legally drive without auto insurance if they pay the state a fee instead (but this fee tends to be exorbitant).?

  4. I was in an at fault accident in which I totalled 2… 3 (completely worthless) Cars, and I would've GLADLY paid for it out of pocket rather than going through insurance, cause now I'm fucked in the ass even more so than I would've been because I'm probably going to pay the same if not more than I paid for my Car after a year of paying insurance. Auto insurance is the most successful and profitable scam of all time. They make Billions for doing literally nothing.?


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