Home Auto Insurance How Your Auto Insurance Could Destroy Your Retirement Plan

How Your Auto Insurance Could Destroy Your Retirement Plan

How Your Auto Insurance Could Destroy Your Retirement Plan

Auto insurance: Everyone has it. Well almost everyone. And that is the focus of this video. What happens if you get hit by a guy who has no insurance? Are you …


  1. As far as medical payments wouldnt your health care plan cover that. Seems like a good thing To have tho & I believe I have it. There are lots of insurances you can have. I have AD&D insurance through my work and its like 5 bucks a check for me and My Wife…500k policy.

  2. Just checked my Allstate policy. I have the Uninsured/Underinsured collectively in my Florida policy per my agent.I bumped up the coverage by stacking the coverage for 3 vehicles. Already have 1 million umbrella policy that protects my assets from liability.

  3. You’ve done it again, Josh!!! This video has MATERIALLY changed my life. I did a full review with USAA today on all insurance with them. I did not have wage loss coverage!! If I had an accident today, I would be totally screwed. Wow. Glad I watched this!!! I am surprised that in the many times that I have comminuted with USAA about liability, no one pointed out to me that I had significant risk exposure here. Thank you!!!

  4. Great subject. I checked and mine has 300/500 with both uninsured and under-insured covered. Need to check on family members. Would like to know more about umbrella policies and what they cover.

  5. Saw this video late, but so important!! I have Liberty Mutual and have 250/500k Uninsured AND 250/500k Underinsured on my Auto Insurance plus a 2M of Umbrella Insurance. Less than $150 a year for the 2 coverages. And around $300 a year for the 2M umbrella. I feel like it is the best peace of mind money ($450 total) I spend every year!

  6. Thank you so much for bringing this up. My wife and I have had an umbrella policy on top of high auto and homeowners limits for a long time but have never had a discussion about this risk with my son and daughter-in-law. I certainly will now!

  7. In some states if you hit a person who walks in front of you to try to commit suicide, we have to pay for them. It is automatically our fault even if they get out of their car on the highway and walk in front of your car going 65.

  8. I’m an Insurance Agent in Ky. Uninsured and underinsured motorist are two separate coverages. The charge for the coverage is a per policy charge not a per vehicle charge .. so you can have 5 cars or 1 car and the rate is the same… If you get an Umbrella policy some companies do not offer uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage so if that coverage is desired on an Umbrella policy you would need to discuss with your agent and shop to find the company that does offer this coverage.. I always tell the customer how important this coverage is and how the coverage works .. I work for an independent agency and we don’t write the customer that’s wants the minimum limits or wants to reject the UM/UIM coverage. The old saying you get what you pay for is also true with insurance .. Some just want the cheapest to be legal … your videos are always helpful and informative… Thanks ?

  9. I asked GEICO about underinsured coverage, and they replied — on a Sunday afternoon! Uninsured coverage includes underinsured coverage with the same limits. An umbrella policy coverage applies to third party, liability coverage, so it would not apply to underinsured situations.
    Now that I have more assets compared to my younger years, I'm more interested in protecting them so that I can retire with a good income. Great video about insurance and retirement planning.

  10. Josh, can you imagine causing an accident in retirement and being sued if the coverage isn't adequate? You could lose your house, your savings and possibly your IRA, as I read somewhere that IRAs are not protected, which could destroy you. Great video ? I'll be checking our policy tomorrow.

  11. You will need to SUE for the underinsured and uninsured benefits ( that you have been paying premiums on for years) which will last a LONG time. Your own insurance company ‘protection’ then becomes your adversary. They will fight to undervalue your claim until you wear out or go to trial.


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