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Funny Car Karaoke & Picking out our New Home!

Funny Car Karaoke & Picking out our New Home!

Hey guys! In this vlog Harold and I look at houses that we might want to buy when we move. Also I got really really upset about somethng but no worries we …


  1. Oh,Rachel….Where did that come from??That was soo cute even though it was a bad word for a good girl.This was such a cute singing video Harold should keep his day day job at the Army!!!I think that was soo funny.I like at the very end when Rachel says "Houston,We Have A Problem!!!" Rachel,After all this time you are just finding this out??How funny.We knew you were goofy all along.I soo miss Baby Leo in the Vlogs.I know that it wasn't his time yet…But,I miss him a lot in your vlogs.Love You Earls Family.???
    P.S. If you haven't noticed…But,I put 3 lions at the end of my comments to represent your little family.Could we video chat sometime??

  2. Lately I'm listing the old hits of BSB ? and today I had choose to watch this video and you sang one of them hihihih
    I wish I could listen my husband sing a song! He hates to sing! It's been almost 9 years together and I only listen him singing happy bday!? lol

  3. How do you drive while not looking at the road??? Second our littlest puppy did that to my daughter 's laptop not long after we got it. My daughter had gone up to her Dad's office to do homework and took the laptop with her. Well the dog found where the cord was and with out me knowing she was chewing on it and the other dogs started barking so I go to investigate and find she has chewed a good 4-6 inches off. The scary part was that it was still plugged in. She is very lucky to be alive. We have trained them that cords are a no no.

  4. Loved the karaoke! You guys are such a cute couple! I know I am a little late to viewing this video but I also agree about having a joint bank account. That's all that we've ever had since being married. My husband does have a small account with money that is set aside for work/uniform expenses so that we don't have to worry about that coming out of our household money but we both have access to all accounts.

  5. Have you checked the price of the Chargers on Amazon? A lot of things I buy are less expensive on Amazon than they are in the stores. We have Amazon prime and it's worth it for us. Hopefully you won't need another charger. Loved your sing off! Thanks for the laughs today. I'm so glad you vlogged it.


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