Home Funny Car Pictures Death car crash: in car footage released

Death car crash: in car footage released

Death car crash: in car footage released

The families of two young men, killed instantly while speeding earlier this year, have released this dramatic footage of the pair’s final moments. Report by Grace …


  1. I remember being 14 in the backseat of a car high as a kite with some 19 year olds thinking I was so cool. There was a super hill-y road that if you went 70-80 mph down would feel like a roller coaster, so we’d get loaded and go “ride the roller coaster”. I look back now in such horror since I have my own kids now. I cannot believe how invincible I thought I was and the jeopardy I was willing to be in for a few hours of fun. I’ve since lost my younger brother to him wrecking drunk and changed my entire life around at the point I am now. It takes such sorrow to straighten some of us out 🙁

  2. Crazy to think.. lost control of my own car going 140 down a back road that had tons of trees surrounding it. As I hit 140 the road started to get really bumpy out of nowhere and it threw my back end out. I was lucky because I was able to correct it and regain control but part of me will always wonder what would have happened if I froze up.

  3. That is not the way to be efficient about your severely empty tank of gas. Maybe it was a good thing they had no gas they probably would have literally exploded like a meth lab


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