Home Auto Insurance Can the car insurance find out that I have been in a car accident?

Can the car insurance find out that I have been in a car accident?

PinkFlowerCA asked:

I have just gotten a new job and I said I havent been in a car accident, but I did twice. Are they gonna find out about it when they add me in their car insurance?


  1. YUP…they’re gonna run a DMV on you and it will show up if it was within the last few years. Ya know ya can get fired if it does…it’s called lying on your job app.

  2. You have likely signed an agreement to allow them to have your driving records checked if you are added to their insurance. Yes, they can find out, and they will.

  3. haha yeah they might…but they also could just be desperate and not even care that much to even ask….but yea you better hope they dont find out

  4. yes, and I hope you get canned for being a liar. Its always better to be honest…then you don’t have to worry about stuff like this.

  5. The insurance company I work for (we sell auto insurance only) keeps records on line in the computer for 15 years. So if you had an accident in that time span it is there to be found. Will the company that hired you do a through check on your driving record? I don’t know. Did they ask for a driver extract (a copy of your driving record from DMV)? If they didn’t they can’t get without your consent. Most companies will ask that you provide that to them if driving their vehicles is part of your job.

    Having said that, don’t you feel a little remorse for being untruthful on your job application? It’s not too late to tell the truth you know.

  6. If they run a Clue and DMV report you bet they will find it, if it was reported to either.

    If your willing to take the chance that it was not reported and your willing to risk that your new jobs HR person along that companies insurance carrier wont send it through undewriting to verify information you have givin then your really diluding yourself. You need to be honest about this. The companies insurance carriers will not set the rate the company has to pay for you to drive a company vechical by the information you gave them. They will set the rate by what they discover in underwriting. Hopefully this new company will find your honesty with them refreshing and you wont start off on a bad note with them.

    Good Luck and be Honest!

  7. “Will” they find out? There’s no way for me to know. There is a chance that you’ll get away with what you did. (Just like if you steal, there’s a chance that you’ll get away with it).

    “Can” they find out? Probably, yes. If a police report was filed regarding either of the accidents, or the accident was reported to DMV, there will be a record with them. If any damages were paid by an insurance company, then the accident will show up on your CLUE report (which is easily accessible to a variety of different people).

    Bottom line, never lie to an employer. It kind of goes along with the saying “don’t sh*t where you eat.” Your employer can fire you for lying. When you go to apply for another job, they will find out that you were fired for dishonesty and will probably not hire you.

    You will get in far less trouble if you just admit up front that you are not perfect, and that you’ve been in a couple accidents. They may still fire you, but it won’t be for lying – and you’ll still be able to get another job.

  8. Oh, yes they will. Every time they add a driver to the commercial auto policy, they will run an MVR and CLUE report on the driver. Every ticket or accident you’ve had (or been involved in, or that’s happened in your household) in the past 10 years will show up.

  9. The insurance company won’t know about your accident if you or someone else doesn’t file a claim againt them. I doubt if they would even care about your accidents if you stay claim free against them.


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