Home Auto Insurance Auto/Car Insurance Coverage Laws Explained – New York State

Auto/Car Insurance Coverage Laws Explained – New York State

Auto/Car Insurance Coverage Laws Explained – New York State

New York State Auto/Car Insurance Coverage Laws Explained We have two types of insurance in New York State required of every motor vehicle. One deals …


  1. good tips, gonna help me on my move to NY soon.
    now let me ask u this – is there any place cheaper than "New York Motor Insurance" ? been looking around for a while now and they have been the cheapest

  2. Insurance is a scam people are killing others to collect they are wrecking there cars and burning down there homes to collect! Insurance is a crime you cannot insure safety in life home auto or self without causing death! 'Because there are evil people that will not play fair! If you gave a return they wouldn’t have a reason to cheat there just being like there providers criminals all of them!
    I don't believe anything this man says new york is evil! Police are evil judgment is coming !

  3. helping people and running a business = oxymoron.

    insurance company's should not be allowed to be private.

    if there is a hell, thats where insurance company workers go

  4. and you prostitute gods children as a number and score. You send lobbyist to guard your occult practices in congress corrupting everything they touch I now see you have got to Hillery she is gone. You have corrupted the hospitals now they do not even take in the sick but let them die your way is death and death is coming for you all You have corrupted the free market and there are no jobs here because free people hate you and all of your evil judges and credit lies.

  5. we have more prisoners than you more corrupt police more sinners more of our government lying in the pocket of bank employers than you ever dreamed and soon guess what there coming for you What do we get back out of this deal you rape artist you become bigger and bolder in your ways to abuse us you and credit are the real destroyers of America a once proud country your judges are in your pockets your playground is las Vegas Nevada

  6. Auto Insurance the scourge of the earth the raping of America your home is not yours if you quit paying for insurance while your paying of your loan they take your home and The anti Christ police are there when they take your home the very people that they where sworn to protect and serve under god like auto insurance where forced to get Russia step down' America has you beat for communist practices 100 to 1

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