Home Auto Insurance Auto insurance with eSurance. Are they good?

Auto insurance with eSurance. Are they good?

Rachel d asked:

I received very good quote from eSurance on my 2 vehicles. My friends told me that sometimes insurance companies (especially those less not cheap) can drop their clients after claim, which results in higher rate later on. Does anybody have any experiance with Esurance and their claim department. I can save a lot of money by switching to Esurance but if that’s going to get me in trouble I’d rather stay with my currant provider and pay them more. Anybody experianced “droping” by the car insurance company? Esurance have a lot of commercials on TV and radio but does that make them good? Any suggestions? Please give me any answers. Thank you.


  1. I don’t know about “esurance” but I do know that I would never choose a company that does not have a local office with an agent who I can talk to personally. I don’t like playing phone tag with a mindless phone voice or emailing some invisible person who couldn’t care less about me, Another thing to be aware of is ANY company who gives a low quote and then when they have you “hooked” will raise your rates. I prefer to stick with the large companies who have a physical presence in my community


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