Home Funny Car Pictures 14 Theme Park Ride Accidents

14 Theme Park Ride Accidents

14 Theme Park Ride Accidents

Coming up are some theme park rides that had to be shut down! Suggest a topic here to be turned into a video: http://bit.ly/2kwqhuh Subscribe for more!


  1. i think if u dont want to have the risk of getting hurt on the rides you probrably should not ride crazy looking rides or worlds first things added to roller coasters

  2. In the veruct ride thing the boy was launched into the metal ring holding the net on and got drcapitated it was horrific for the 2 passengers and parents

  3. Divo Ostrov seems extremely fun to visit and I would go there myself! Though it is very far away because I'm from California. The Rocket ride seems very adventurous and if I had an opportunity to ride it, I would figure, "Eh, why not?"

  4. I was on a crazy ride at cedar point and somebody decided to take their phone on the ride and not secure it. We went over in the hills and I saw it fly up and thankfully this woman that is sitting in between me and the phones owner reached up and grabbed it. If she hadnt I would have gotten the phone to my face…?


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