Home Auto Insurance Types of car insurance scams and ways to avoid them

Types of car insurance scams and ways to avoid them

Types of car insurance scams and ways to avoid them

Car insurance scams are on the raise in the U.S and Canada. Find out what types of scams there are and how you can protect yourself. A dash cam (in car dashboard camera) is a great way to…


  1. At 2:10 the same scam happened to my brother and the scammer slammed on his brakes and because of than and the snow my brother hit him except what made it the worst was A, my brothers car got way more messed up than the scammer B,a bunch of other people rear ended ech other and my brother and C, the scammer was originally like oh it’s just a accident it doesn’t matter and my brother could have soo sued him but he dident and like a week latter he got a letter in the mail saying the scammer was suing him, and even if you don’t think they were a scammer when my brother got the letter he was smart and did nothing to see what would happen and the scammer just let go of the case,

  2. The first scam is set up wrong. Both people have stop signs. In order for the scam to work, the scammer would not have a stop sign, and he would wave on the person with the stop sign. Then he would hit him and he wouldn't be at fault because he had the right of way and the other guy had a stop sign. When you both have a stop sign, then it's just his word against yours. And based on the location of the accident, it seems that the victim got to the intersection first.

  3. AND…. don't let the other driver call the cops and say, "I called 911 and they're on their way", and you don't.  I don't know about other places, but here in WASHINGTON STATE, the person who calls 911 is perceived to be the victim, and if you don't, guess what?

  4. I've seen the second one. Some fuck with a Ford Escort did that to me. Slammed his brakes for no reason on a straight road with little traffic, no animals or anything. This happened right after a lady passenger in the back took a glimpse at me.

    I swerved round the guy trying to do his little scam. I stopped next to him, put my window down and told the scammer "You ain't getting any easy money from me, you useless fuck!" and drove off.

  5. Just look behind you to check for cops then throw the car in reverse, the Mexicans in this area do this all the time and nine times out of ten they won't call the police

  6. Happens in the UK too and it's always people who are "well off" or not exactly poor that claim from your insurance,I was accused of denting someone's "company" car in a car park,even had my passenger as a witness,my insurance has gone up from £800 to £1,230 a year if I renew,so I've basically been insured right off the road and have to sell my car,whilst that man enjoys his company cars.

  7. I often use autoguard Blackbox app and another one to video as I drive. And if an accident happen I wouldn't tell the other person that I video taped the accident. Otherwise they will create lies around the video in which the video wouldn't be able to approve as a lie. So I would continue to let them lie hoping they will create lies in which the video will be able to prove to be lies. I would probably stay silent about the video until it's time to appear in court.

  8. insurance is a scam in itself anyway, just due to law that everyone have to get insurance. I have paid the insurance to Allstate for almost 20 years of my hard working money and one day I have a claim and they did not pay me, that is a scam

  9. by the time he starts moving his car i be long gone. got a bad habit of starting from red light/traffic light fast and i always pay attention to what people do around me


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