Home Auto Insurance Operation Dark Horizon – Auto Insurance Fraud Bust

Operation Dark Horizon – Auto Insurance Fraud Bust

Operation Dark Horizon – Auto Insurance Fraud Bust

Florida law enforcement officers arrested 17 people and are seeking another eight individuals on fraud-related charges in “Operation Dark Horizon,” the largest …


  1. Anyone who thinks it's okay to defraud an insurance company is immoral in my book because I end up paying for your scan through higher premiums. In other words, you are stealing money directly out of my pocket and that makes you no better than someone who walks into a 7-11 and puts a gun to the clerk demanding money. The metaphorical gun for fraudsters is extortion. If I can't steal enough from you, I'll sue you in court and a dumb jury will award me the money I don't deserve.

  2. @Gutsyndicate Insurance premiums are high because of fraudulent claims. Your premiums go up after you get in an accident because you are a higher risk, so you pay more. The company I work for pays out 70% of all the premiums they take in in claims, 25% of the premiums goes to salary and over head, and only 5% is profit.

  3. @Gutsyndicate Do you even know the first thing about insurance or how it works? I highly doubt it… the vast majority of the money that insurance companies takes in gets paid out in claims


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