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NBC News – Investing In Life Insurance

NBC News – Investing In Life Insurance

Investing in life insurance can be an important asset in your investment portfolio.


  1. The #1 thing I would like to change in people's behavior is the ability to adopt an open mind. There are too many mindless sheep out there who make decisions against their best interests because they won't change their behavioral attitude! My take: Life insurance should be the foundation of EVERYONE'S financial planning! Term if that is all you can afford, but that should be converted to Whole Life, Dividend Paying Life Insurance as soon as possible. The dynamics of such a policy will grow both the investment piece AND the death benefit for the rest of your life! Once you have one or more of these policies in place, THEN you do the qualified plans, the Wall Street play, or anything else you want to diversify in. Why? Because of all the investment options out there, life insurance policies (the one described in particular) are the ONLY investment vehicles YOU control! You can do qualified plans, start a stock portfolio, invest in real estate, etc., but It sure is nice to know that when the rest of the investment world goes to hell in a hand-basket, you have an established, ever increasing, tax-favorable foundation of life insurance to let you sleep at night until that other stuff gets its act together! And these policies are guaranteed! You can plan around a guarantee, but those other investments can't guarantee anything! And don't get caught up in return rates; utilized time instead (have a long investment horizon)!

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  3. Universal is still permanent insurance with savings/investment built in. If you love fees, purchase a UL policy. Again, never combine insurance with an investment. There is always a catch. The only true benefit if for the agent.

  4. Whole life is level for the duration of your life. Term is only good for a period when that period is over to continue it is most likely more expensive than whole life. And where are you getting 4-5% in a fixed conservative market today? A responsible agent would project what your needs are and see what you can budget. I could tell anyone to purchase whole life but if the client wants term then thats it. Don't act like any other company or person is not looking to maximize their earnings.

  5. what are you talking about? Whole life is steady and level premium amount. Term life gets very expensive when you get older. Even universal life is gets expensive when you get old. Buying whole life young is most beneficial.

  6. It's Permanent Life vs Term and invest the difference. Index Universal Life is the product for this volatile market. Seek advise from license professionals such as CPA, investors, and insurance agents to get a broad understanding on both advantages and disadvantages before you decide.

  7. Whole Life is one of the biggest wealth robbers for hard working families. Never save money within an insurance product. You don't get the savings when you die. The company keeps the savings. What kind of plan is that? Its sold by unscrupulous sales people. Term 100% of the time without question. I have never read a book on finance that says buy whole Life. They ALL say to run away from agents trying to sell it. Experts recommend Term for all knowledgeable folks looking to protect their family.

  8. Are you asking ME to check? im the one dealing with both insurances here… HIDDEN fee???? you mean FEE? Dumbass what HIDDEN fee? We show what clients pay for… I think conversation is done, you just fully embarrased yourself. smh. And i never said term is bad, they both have diff uses i said. Maybe your organization just wants to sell term so bad, they just brain wash you.. Because this is complete ignorance. Get numbers and compare for what you want to offer to your clients

  9. Someone else is supposed to supply facts, and you are supposed to supply none? Just because you tout the status quo doesn't make your right. I'll laugh straight to the bank with my better strategy.

  10. @acumedcorp as opposed to what? Managed funds that the brokers make more off of the investment then their clients. That's a crappy product. Typical broker mentality. Life insurance is an important part of any portfolio. Are you really so naive? Educate yourself a little before you run your mouth and look like a fool.


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